Oxana Getman, Registered Acupuncturist
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic medicine, focusing on the unity and balance of the body, mind and spirit. By combining my passions of TCM and acupuncture, I am able to organically incorporate many healing modalities in order to achieve the best results. This holistic medicinal approach not only gets rid of symptoms and disease, but also shines as a great preventative measure with long lasting results.
604 Bedford Hwy, Halifax, NS, B3M 2L8
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic medicine, focusing on the unity and balance of the body, mind and spirit. By combining my passions of TCM and acupuncture, I am able to organically incorporate many healing modalities in order to achieve the best results. This holistic medicinal approach not only gets rid of symptoms and disease, but also shines as a great preventative measure with long lasting results.
604 Bedford Hwy, Halifax, NS, B3M 2L8 |
oxana@organicacupuncture.ca | |
1-902-877-1057 | |
http://organicacupuncture.ca/ Website | |
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